This is just a leader Fresh Beginning in model and “acquiring ” sr ministry office specific funding. TD tells WHY and HOW..
PURPOSES I Samuel Eli and Son’s Day***
***”the offering of the Lord was despised in Eli’s day because of the high priests”
History replays itself (in recent Christian media times…from the time of Jim.Bakker until now)
Take Care to Donate?? (for Cross Body Unity Move)…however, please do it ONLY IF, AFTER you realize HOW we ‘receive’ it.
Abide in Matthew 6:4 “Give in secret and THE LORD will reward YOU openly”** (but it does not say WHEN, HOW, IN WHAT FORM”) Let this please made known! PS No tax write off, as we are in UNUSUAL DAYS “We are Bible experimenters… (meaning IF, AS… the LORD, SPECIFICALLY TRULY, DIRECTS”
(C)2025 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright (non shepherding) laws